"During the quarantine period, I began to create staged self-portraits at home. In the photo, which was the beginning of the series, I seem to be hiding behind house plants in the corner, symbolically and succinctly denoting the existing dead-end state of each person during a pandemic. In my subsequent works, although I turn to self-irony, nevertheless, photographing myself in the nude, I live moments of self-acceptance. Over time, the series of self-portraits went beyond the fun of self-isolation and became a personal diary, where each picture can be associated with important events, thoughts or intimate feelings.
The giant awakens empathy with his spontaneity and openness. And if the portrait of a person is his story, then the space around the object builds its meaning." - Artem Humilevskiy
There isn't much I can add to Artem's words really. In his photos, which I find extraordinarily moving and uplifting in all their self-deprecating candour, I see and feel exactly everything he says. I'm just happy to have discovered his work today.
#artemhumilevskiy #ukrainianartist #ukrainianart #photography #contemporaryart #artblog #beyondthecanvasblog

Self-portraits from the Giant series, 2020-2021