Writing a review of a show the day before it closes is probably nonsensical, not too mention a tad unfair. I must, however, pay tribute to Le Stanze del Vetro and their consistently superb programming. Nestled in a corner of the Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, away from the hustle and bustle of San Marco (yes, even in January), this cultural foundation showcases the art of glass making in its many, wonderful forms of expression.
The exhibition Venini: Luce 1921-1985 celebrates what is perhaps the most iconic brand when it comes to vases, decorative objects and designer lighting. A household name in Italy, Venini enjoys global fame. And for very good reason.
Founded in 1921, built on tradition but always embracing the avantgarde, Venini has been crafting visionary objects of timeless beauty and iconic design. As I was walking through the stanze, I realised just how deeply their work has shaped my eye for aesthetics. Hotel lobbies, airports, banks, public spaces, sitting and dining rooms. Whenever I looked up and around me,,Venini was there.
